Monday, 1 January 2018

What examiners expect from a PhD Thesis?

It is a good strategy to pass a PhD thesis examination by knowing what is actually the examiners expected from your thesis? The answer could be obvious. You need to write a good thesis! The rule of thumb here is that a happy examiner is the one that is going to recommend that you pass the examination and graduated with the degree. But it is not easy to make your examiner happy. Before outlining things that make your examiner happy, let us profiling who is a Phd examiner? He or she is definitely a highly qualified, competent person and expert in the field of your research with sometimes many years of experience since in many great university only a Professor or experienced academics can be appointed as external examiner (of course exception is given in rarity). And most of them are independent in the sense that assessment is given objectively based on the merits of your work. An expert or a Professor is needed to examine your research since a thesis is a culmination of one's work which is a quantifiable evidence of one's learning experience and academic accomplishment as well as a transition from student to scholar. It is a maturing process as an intellectual. Now, an examiner is very happy if he or she read your work with enthusiasm anticipating the thesis is interesting and intellectually both stimulating and challenging piece. This is normally evident through the expression of appreciation for being given opportunity to assess original and well presented thesis. 

But we need to know what the examiners normally do when they get their hand on a thesis? Well there is no straight answer to this, but looking at the title is probably most of them would do first. Thus selecting an interesting or catchy title is also quite important, although this is not that crucial compared to the content, analysis, findings etc. Abstract and content page and then introduction are probably next. Normally examiner will quickly glance these items to establish a sense of understanding between the title and the discussion that will be expected in the chapters after which a formal or deeper assessment will be made from chapter to chapter. In some cases references at the back of the thesis will be also quickly perused and this will tell the examiner the extent and breath of the candidate research. This quick evaluation provides to the examiner impression on the quality of the thesis either as a well presented research work or a poorly conceived and prepared study. And this all that matters at this point, as we would know whether the examiner is happy or otherwise.

Whether the examiner is happy or not, he or she must continue assessing the thesis. This must be a hardest part if the examiner is less enthusiastic to read your thesis, because most of them have heavy schedules and often passed deadlines. There is no distraction to them from this heavy commitment if your thesis is not worthwhile reading. But this is also depends on many things such as examiner interest, experience, background etc of your research subject. Nonetheless there are still exist general criteria for a good thesis where examiner would be distracted from their overwork daily routine, as below:

(1) Original or at least substantial contribution to the knowledge. Your may not want to write something that is already known to the expert circles. What you do not know is not necessarily unknown to others. That is why your literature review is very important to avoid writing or researching things that other people have done. Similarly this originality is reflected in your problem statements and objectives which are based normally and largely from the literature.

(2) Appreciation of relevant and important literature and references. You are able to show that you know the fundamental theories in the area that you are researching partly by the use of references that are relevant, updated and comprehensive. Especially so when the examiner is the expert in the area and has published works.

(3) Ability to synthesize ideas and elements of the literature and to present them in a critical and coherent appraisal. So that in the end of the day you are able to connect the gap or relation between what that has been studied or researched with your own work. You may not want just to quote or list the literature and then left to the readers to make their own guessing or conclusion. The trick here is to summarize smartly and coherently on all the points and data with your own word and analysis. Journalistic style of writing or reporting as well as descriptive presentation should be avoided.

(4) Using research methods that are appropriate to the topic, discipline and inquiry. You must show the understanding of the research methods employed and the rigour of their use in your study. Although you may have attended research methodology class/courses, you still need to fine tune your appropriate research methods by reading research method books/articles and attending research seminars where you can learn from other's experience and mistakes.

(5) The results or findings of your inquiry must be clearly documented and fully explained with the relevant evidence. Most importantly they must be based on discussion made in the chapters. The results must be able to show their impact specifically to the existing theories, practices and policies. General statements and problems that are already understood should not be made your results. Similarly when proposing solutions, they should be practical and specific.

(6) Literary expression or presentation is clear, concise with academic writing style suited to the discipline of your research. In other words your presentation is of a standard suitable for scientific publication. Although you may have a great ideas about your work but "poor literary expression can be strong deterrent to an examiner and resulted largely in negative appraisal" - quoted from unknown sources. You are probably not a talented writer or author but you at least can avoid the following errors as examiner become annoyed and disturbed by them:

 - spelling and typo 
 - grammar
 - citation
 - long sentences
 - inconsistency
 - repetition
 - illogical statements

This would make examiners lost confidence and become suspicious on the overall quality, ability, professionalism and competency of the candidate. And that we certainly do not what from the examiners.              

Profesor M.B. Hooker dan Kurikulum Fakulti Pengajian Islam UKM

Petikan di bawah adalah semi autobiografi Profesor M.B.Hooker menjelaskan penglibatan beliau dengan kurikulum Pengajian Islam di UKM. Tidak ...