Monday, 11 December 2023

Kuasa Mahkamah Sivil Terhadap Fatwa

 “Naturally, there is a difference between the making of a fatwa (as in the procedure and law to adhere to) and the substantive contents of the fatwa. As regards the procedure, it necessarily requires compliance with written law and the failure to do so might result in the issuance of public law remedies that can only be issued by the civil superior courts. The contents of the fatwa and their interpretation are a different story and a matter purely for the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts to the extent that it relates to “hukum syarak” or personal law and not matters which objectively might be taken to contradict any written law (Federal or State statutes or even the FC for that matter).”

“Thus, simply put, if the vires of any fatwa or the conduct of the Fatwa Committee is challenged purely on the basis of constitutional or statutory compliance, then it is a matter for the civil courts. If the question pertains to the matters of the faith or the validity of the contents of the fatwa tested against the grain of Islamic law, then the appropriate forum for review or compliance is the Syariah courts.” – per Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat CJ in SIS Forum (Malaysia) v. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor; Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (Intervener) [2022] 3 CLJ 339

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