This a release of a new standard by the Institute of Internal Auditor (IIA) last January 9, 2024 and will become effective on January 9, 2025 next year. The article below articulates some of the basic objectives and functions of the internal audit in a given organization mainly for the purpose to provide assurance to the Company Board in particular and other stakeholder generally on the company's effective governance, sound management of risk and robust controls on the financial process and other operational functions according to a given standard or rule. For more information on the standard reader can browse this link.
Perspektif bertujuan memaparkan pandangan peribadi penulis terhadap pelbagai isu-isu semasa perundangan Islam bagi tujuan perbincangan dan perkongsian bersama. Perspektif is writer's view relating to contemporary issues in Islamic law for discussion and mutual sharing.
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Monday, 18 November 2024
Bumiputra Economic Position 2024
These are some takeaways from the reporting below:
(1) In the past three years (2021-2023?) Bumiputra owns only 1 out 97 listed firms (hugely disproportioned).
(2) Proposal on mandatory stability reporting of company's employees based on DEI policy. This would make supposedly the increase in Bumiputra participation and in the economy and promote foreign investment?
(3) Bumiputra household income is 29% lower than Chinese.
(4) Median formal employee wages for Bumiputra is 45% lower than Chinese.
(5) Bumiputra equity ownership is at only 18.4%
These numbers despite all the policies favor Bumiputra. For that matter proposal takeaway no.2 is no different in my view. That is why GISB probably a good model to study in order to stimulate Bumiputra economy less the ideology.
What is Non-Bank Financial Institutions?
The bank is where you deposit money for safekeeping or investment and others, make payment and apply for financing. Well other non bank can do a similar function but probably with limitation and more focus to a more specific purpose like protection for Takaful or retirement for Pension Fund. The apparent limitation is probably for retail financing which is mainly handled by Banks.
Sunday, 17 November 2024
Saturday, 16 November 2024
More younger millionaires in Malaysia
Shia Followers Apprehended in Kedah Malaysia
It will be interesting to see whether there will be a formal charge in Kedah Syariah Court to these suspects. In the past, followers of religious sects or cults considered as deviant form of Islam would claim as non Muslim to avoid prosecution since Shariah Court has no jurisdiction over non Muslim in Malaysia. They will also potentially seeking declaration from the Civil Court that the action taken for their arrest as unconstitutional on the ground of constitutional guarantee on freedom of religion. Of course theologically Shia is accepted as part of Muslim community albeit misguided, nonetheless there are some fatwa in Malaysia which declare them other wise, similar to Ahmadiyyah which was declared by Fatwa as not part of Muslim ummah.
Friday, 15 November 2024
Many can be learned from this
Harmful action is never acceptable even to animals. So what that is happening currently in Palestine, Lebanon and in the Western Asia as a whole is beyond imagination of every sense of humanity. May Allah protect the weak, the oppressed and provide them strength and security. Amin.
The caption says "a youth of 13th years old admitted guilty for burning kitten alive" He was sentenced to juvenile center by the Magistrate.
Dilema Lulusan Sains Sosial?
Keadilan Mangsa Trajedi Tak Bai Thailand Mungkin Luput?
Dalam sistem keadilan Thailand dakwaan jenayah kejadian di atas akan dibatasi oleh had masa 20 tahun. Mengikut laporan di bawah pegawai tentera yang dituduh terlibat dalam kejadian berkenaan tidak hadir dalam perbicaraan menyebabkan kes tidak boleh diteruskan. Ketidakhadiran ini menimbulkan persoalan.
Thursday, 14 November 2024
Majikan Tidak Suka Kerja Dari Rumah (WFH)
Tiga sebab utama sebagaimana yang dilaporkan ialah masalah disiplin, kurang komitmen untuk berkerja dan tiada pengawasan yang berkesan. Mungkin kepada sektor pekerjaan bersifat output harian. Manakala bentuk perkerjaan yang menekankan kepada output dalam tempoh masa tertentu yang bekerja secara tanpa penyeliaan, bentuk kerja secara WFH mungkin lebih produktif.
GST lebih baik dari SST?
Profesor M.B. Hooker dan Kurikulum Fakulti Pengajian Islam UKM
Petikan di bawah adalah semi autobiografi Profesor M.B.Hooker menjelaskan penglibatan beliau dengan kurikulum Pengajian Islam di UKM. Tidak ...

12 Mei 2017 (Balai Ilmu, APIUM) Forum ini diwacanakan oleh gabungan tiga ahli panel terdiri dari ahli akademik, pengamal sukan diving ...
Yang dimaksudkan dengan sekuriti makanan ialah keadaan di mana terdapatnya bekalan makanan yang mencukupi secara tetap dan makanan tersebu...
Petikan di bawah adalah semi autobiografi Profesor M.B.Hooker menjelaskan penglibatan beliau dengan kurikulum Pengajian Islam di UKM. Tidak ...